WeFinance for Yoga Teacher Training

WeFinance for
Tree Trees Yoga

WeFinance helps you save money and grow your network.

Participants will learn the fundamentals of a comprehensive Hatha yoga practice including alignment-based asana; pranayama; meditation; anatomy and physiology specific to yoga; a study of the Chakras; Ayurveda (the sister science of yoga); and yogic philosophy as described in the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali.

Emphasis will also be placed on the techniques of teaching, including use of voice and body language; learning to observe bodies, modify poses and sequence classes with ample time allotted to “practice teaching” throughout the program. Even if teaching is not the ultimate goal, learning to articulate the principles just studied is a powerful learning tool.

The best rates around—because you set them.
Your loan, your rules. Grow your network, borrow from real people supporting you on your career journey, and pay interest back to them instead of a bank.

We make borrowing easy.
Need a 6 month deferral? You got it. Having trouble finding a job? We'll help you address your situation with your lenders.

How does WeFinance help?
We help Three Trees Yoga teacher training students finance their training. We want to help you reach your goals.

Curious to learn more?

Download our borrower guide here.