Billy Blaustein is a Haas MBA and on the Launch & Expansion team at Sprig. He crowdfunded a loan to refinance his student loans and to cover living expenses. We got to catch up with Billy to discuss his time at Haas, his interest in the on-demand economy, and his experience using WeFinance.

It’s that time of the year again! Are coding bootcamps and online coding classes deductible on your U.S. tax return?

Moses Lo is a Haas MBA and Founder and CEO of Xendit (YC S15). He crowdfunded a loan to refinance his student debt with WeFinance. We got to catch up with Moses to discuss starting a company at Haas, adapting to the U.S. as an international student, and how he looks at financial products.
Luis Disla is a Lyft / Uber driver who crowdfunded a loan to finance his car. We caught up with Luis to talk about life as a driver, the real costs of renting, and his experience with WeFinance.
Mariza Pereira is an incoming Codify Academy student. She’s been a self-taught developer looking to transition from a professional medical interpreter to a front-end developer. Mariza talks about her motivations to become a developer, tips on applying to Codify, and her experience with WeFinance.